How do presentations work

How do presentations work


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Here is a guide on how you can interact and engage during a presentation.


The Auditorium

View presentations here and filter them by track using the dropdown. For live presentations, you will see the forthcoming schedule and you may access any of the presentations that are ready to be viewed by clicking the ‘View’ button.

In the live side the presentations will commence automatically at the appointed time.


On your viewing page, you will see multiple application widgets which you can use during the webinar. The presentations may each have a different level of interactivity – please refer to the below for the widest functionality. These widgets open or close windows in the webinar which are completely under your control and can be moved, resized or minimised at any time during the webinar. 


Live chat

This widget when clicked will open the public chat and Q&A – post your comments. Hovering over another user's name and clicking will open their profile.



The event host may have added a twitter feed in the webcast that you can view or contribute to. Click to tweet (you will need a twitter account and will be asked to sign in).


Who is Here 

To see who else is in the webcast with you click this widget to open the user manifest. Clicking on a name will open their profile.



This opens the speaker bio. This will contain an image of the speaker, or brand logo if they prefer, and some text detailing who the speaker is and what they do. 



Whilst watching a live presentation you may be asked to take part in a poll, this is not mandatory. To access polls, click on this widget. 


Private questions

This may be used to ask the presenter questions privately.



Download files

This allows you to view and download files which may be available such as a ppt of the presentation itself or associated documents. 



If you have any difficulties or any questions you can click on help/support which can be found under the settings widget or you can click on the help widget to view FAQ’s or email the webcast support team.



You may see an announcement display on your screen. This will be in a message box, which you can read and then close the message box or as a tickertape which will scroll along the bottom of the viewing window. 


It is advisable to check your system capabilities for viewing presentations prior to the event. Please use this link: https://www.ivent-uk.com/system-requirements/

To keep your viewing experience optimal please make sure you have closed any other programs that may be running on your computer or using unnecessary bandwidth. If you have trouble viewing the webinar or experience buffering problems during the presentation, please try refreshing your browser or resetting your cache as this will generally resolve most of those issues.


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