

What if I have already registered my users elsewhere?Nikita OvcinnikovsFeb 04, 2021
I have uploaded my slides but they are not showing up on my webcastNikita OvcinnikovsFeb 04, 2021
I have created a webcast but I can't access it from the broadcast linkEmma RileyFeb 04, 2021
I can't see the videoNikita OvcinnikovsFeb 04, 2021
My computer crashes when I try to access the eventNikita OvcinnikovsFeb 04, 2021
I can access the event, but I cannot view the slides or the slides are not advancingNikita OvcinnikovsFeb 04, 2021
The stream automatically stops or it continually stops and buffersNikita OvcinnikovsFeb 04, 2021
The sound works continuously, but the video freezesNikita OvcinnikovsFeb 04, 2021
I received a message that the event is not currently availableNikita OvcinnikovsFeb 04, 2021
I am asked for a password when I try to view the eventNikita OvcinnikovsFeb 04, 2021
Can I access the event from a different computer than the one I registered from?Nikita OvcinnikovsFeb 04, 2021
I received an email invitation but the webcast URL in the email doesn't workNikita OvcinnikovsFeb 04, 2021
I am prompted to register again even if I already registered for the eventNikita OvcinnikovsFeb 04, 2021
I keep receiving an error message stating that the registration form is missing information or I am entering an invalid e-mail address when I registerNikita OvcinnikovsFeb 04, 2021
I can't hear anything (or the sound is very faint)Nikita OvcinnikovsFeb 04, 2021

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