How to create an email campaign

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This video tutorial will provide you with all the information needed for managing email campaigns.

Our reports have moved so the video illustrates how to create a dataset in the old area, please see the Creating a user dataset for a campaign section below to learn more about the new steps.

Creating an email campaign

The system will allow you to create email campaigns using datasets you have saved in the reporting area.

  • Click the New Campaign button to begin

  • You will be asked to create detail such as name of campaign, email from name and the body of the email

  • You can also link this to an invitation you have already set up, use a template for repeat campaigns and you can set up the campaign without sending it should you wish to save it and add more to it at a later date. 

The Preview Campaign button at the top of the screen allows you to view it prior to send out

Creating a user dataset for a campaign

You would need to create a user dataset in order to be able to send a campaign to a selected number of users. The way to do that is by creating a report in the new reporting area, and below are the instructions to do this for All Registered Users report - but in fact, you can actually follow the same steps if you want to create a dataset out of any other report that gives you user data.

  1. Log into Admin Area and go to Event Statistics > All Reports > Management Overview. You will be greeted with a message that says our reports have moved and you simply need to click on All Registered Users report.

2. After you’ve clicked on All Registered Users report you will then be taken to a new area where you simply create a report like you normally would by selecting a registration and Date/Time frame - click Request Report.

3. Once your report has finished processing, it will appear in View Reports area. Click on the View button of that report and you will be taken to the screen which will display all of the data in that report.

4. You can then filter the columns that you need to get the right dataset of users you want for your campaign or just save that report as a dataset by clicking on Save as a Dataset.

5. Once your dataset has been saved, go back to the tab you were on in your Admin Area and head towards Users > User Datasets. This is where you can find your newly created dataset if you want to preview it or export it before adding into your campaign.

6. To add your saved dataset into your campaign is simple. Go to Email manager > Campaigns > New Campaign then scroll down and choose your newly created dataset in the User Group list.

7. Done!

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