How to access event reports and stats

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As an administrator, you will want to keep an eye on your event engagement before, during and after the event. You can access your stats and reports in Event Admin at any time. Here’s how:

Logging in


Login to Event Admin at: You will need your email address and password along with the event URL ( You will only need to enter the part which replaces the X’s.

Once you have logged in you will see a left hand panel. Click on Reports. You can then choose to create a new report or view existing reports that you or other admin users may have created.

Please note: if you have already logged into your old Admin Area and tried to access the reports from there you will be shown a link which will redirect you to get the new report without having to login again.

View Reports

You will see two tables, the left hand table shows completed report requests, the right hand table shows those that have either failed to complete or are in progress.

Any finished reports older than 30 days will expire and be deleted automatically

New Report

Click on New Report. You will see all reports grouped into categories and most reports have individual or summary reports.

Summary reports will provide you with high level information for everything under that category. For example, if you were looking at the Webcasts Summary report, you will see information on ALL webcasts that have been created whereas the Webcasts (individual) report will allow you to select and see data on ONE webcast.

Top reports

There are a number of reports available in Event Admin and these will continue to be added to. Eventually all reports will be found in Event Admin. In the meantime, some will remain in the admin area where you also create and manage your content i.e.

The main reports you will be likely to use in Event Admin are:

Users - this report will provide you with a dataset of users that have registered, when they did so and if they’ve logged in, the last date and time that was.

Webcasts - individual or summary. These two reports provide the information you will need on all of your webcasts or on individual webcasts. From chat posts, to viewing time to top 10 webcasts.

Booths - individual or summary. These two reports display details of the top 5 booths based on chat posts or visitors, chat posts, website clicks, video plays, last time attended and much more.

Invitations - individual or summary. These two reports will allow you to see who is responding to your invitations and when, your most responded to invitations and which users have then gone on to attend your event.

Each report can be downloaded as an .xls file or saved into a datasets folder which can be titled accordingly. It is also possible to add the registration fields to any report by clicking Append Registration Data.

iVent Admin Knowledge Base