How treasure hunt works in iVent

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If you would like to learn more about treasure hunt and how it can work in your event please take a look at our article below.

What is a treasure hunt?

Treasure hunt or sometimes referred to as scavenger hunt is a gamification concept that enables you to bring an element of additional interactivity and engagement in the event. Treasure hunts allow our clients to engage delegates on the day of the event in different areas with prompts and hints in order for them to find the final clue that will lead them to the ultimate prize.

When to use a treasure hunt?

As mentioned earlier, treasure hunts work well in a virtual environment to boost engagement. If you have a lot of areas to visit in the event and a lot of content to view and engage with then hosting a treasure hunt could work really well.

If you are also planning on hosting your event across several days then a treasure hunt could work in your favour to make sure you have continued engagement from delegates throughout the days as the prize draw will go live on the last day.

There is no set format of a virtual event which works with a treasure hunt. We have hosted this successfully for many of our events, from conferences to exhibitions to team building events.

Furthermore, if you would like to add more of a ‘live’ feel you can host a live session in our Collab Space with the event host or maybe a sponsored exhibitor to announce the winner of the prize draw at the end of the event.

How does it work?

The treasure hunt works with having letters scattered across different content in presentations, booths, brochures, etc (or wherever you want to drive attendees. There might be clues scattered around to indicate where the letters might be. Attendees then need to find them over the event and, once collected, they will have an anagram.

The event organiser is responsible for choosing the letters and embedding them in the content they would like to show up in the event.

When they solve the anagram they will have the password to a booth which is password protected. If you get the password right then you enter the booth, drop a Vcard and enter a prize draw (for say an iPad) or you can give everyone a prize (i.e Amazon voucher).

This is what ‘treasure hunters’ will get to before they unlock the final booth with the prize draw.

If they have collected the right clues to make the anagram they can then attempt to enter the password and if it matches the key to the treasure chest then they will be allowed in.

If you have any further questions about how this can work specifically for your event please speak to your Account Manager.

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