How to record or broadcast your presentation

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This article explains how to record or broadcast your live webcast.


  • Login to the broadcast URL. You will see two windows, the left hand ‘presentation’ and the right hand 'slides’.

  • If you are doing a webcam or audio presentation, select your microphone and camera (if using) from the drop down box. If you are doing a dial in presentation, dial the number you see on screen.

  • Click the big grey ‘Start Publishing’ button and start your recording. Your recording time will display so you know how long your presentation is. Once finished click ‘Stop Publishing’.

  • Use the arrows to advance your slides (if using) as you move through your presentation. 


Announcements - it is possible during a broadcast whether it be live, mock-live or on-demand, to push an announcement to your viewers. This might be used to direct viewers to a booth towards the end of a broadcast or to issue an important message. Click on the red loudspeaker icon to activate.


Private questions - if you are using private questions in your live webcast you will need to open this widget. These messages can only be seen by you and the user that sent the question. 


Polls - you can push out a live poll during your presentation. Polls must be set up beforehand in the Networking Area.



  • Where possible, plug in to a fixed network rather than using WiFi.

  • Always make sure to use Google Chrome

  • Please wait for 10 seconds after clicking ‘Start Publishing’ before speaking and do the same before clicking to Stop Publishing. There is some latency in webcasting systems and this will allow for it.

  • Rehearse your presentation so that you know it backwards. A fluid presentation is considerably more engaging for viewers.

  • Clear pronunciation - the audience for the event may consist of different nationalities and native languages. Speak slowly and pronounce clearly.

  • It is recommended that you provide viewers with some housekeeping info prior to starting your presentation i.e. system requirements or what to do if they can't hear anything.

 If you need to pause between slides, you may do so by pressing ‘Stop Publishing’ and then ‘Start Publishing’ when the start publishing option becomes available again. However, if you leave your PC or laptop for a while and the system logs you off, when you login again you will find that the slides will have returned to the start. You can still use this recording link but you must start your presentation again from the beginning and not from where you left off. Please let us know if this happens and we will edit the recording so the first part of it is removed.

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