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Here is all the information you will need to know about creating, uploading and managing users in iVent.

Uploading users

UPDATE: We have added a new level of Admin access called Admin Controller on Thursday, October 22nd 2020. Only Admin Controllers are now able to upload, create and manage other administrators on your event site. An admin can still create, manage and upload regular users. Please see Creating new Admin users section below.

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If this feature is activated it is possible to upload users in bulk. 

Follow these steps to get your users into the system.

Step 1

In the Admin Panel, click ‘Users’ , select the relevant ‘Registration’ at the top where you want to upload your users then click ‘Upload Users’ and select ‘Choose File'. This will allow you to select your .CSV file from your PC/Laptop. Indicate by ticking in the box whether your file has any column headers displaying. This is so the system knows whether to include the first line of data in your file or not.

Minimum fields that are required: First Name, Last Name, Email. You no longer need to assign generic passwords to your users as a system will automatically generate a password reset link.

Step 2

Then click ‘Upload’. If you have no column headings these will display as ‘Unnamed Column’. 

Underneath the heading you will see a drop down box in which you can select a registration field. These are the fields your data can be mapped to. When you select a field the column will turn green.

  1. By default, your users will be receiving one email once they are uploaded successfully. If you wish, in the ‘Email Manager’ you can update your ‘First Time Password Reset Email'. This email has a default message and it includes a password reset link. When editing, make sure you include the name of the registration and a password link. For more guidance, please follow ‘question marks’ when editing your email content.

  2. By ticking ‘Prevent first password from being sent’ you can suppress ‘Password Reset Email’ from being sent. This is not recommended as your users will not get a unique password link and won’t be able to change their password or login.

  3. The 'Prevent registration confirmation email being sent' field is automatically ticked. This means no other email will go out apart from the 1st time password email. If you wish to send a confirmation email as well, then please untick the box.

Step 3

The system will highlight any errors, for example, partially complete email addresses which you may like to correct before upload. On completion of upload you will see a confirmation message which advises how many have users have been uploaded and how many have not. Again, highlighted in red will be those users that couldn't be uploaded and for what reason e.g. user already associated with registration. 

TIP: We recommend you upload some test users first to ensure that your emails are set up correctly and that you are happy with the emails that are being sent.

When you are uploading users to the platform via file upload/CSV method their email subscription status will automatically default to No. This means they will only receive the 1st time password email (and the registration confirmation email, if one is in place and you wish to send that from our system) They will not receive any further email communications, specifically reminder emails. 

If you wish for uploaded users to receive reminder emails and any additional email campaigns, two columns need to be included as part of your CSV. Email Subscription must be set to YES and Subscription Date column must have the date that the user consented to receive email from you in YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS format.

Likewise SMS and Telephone Subscription Statuses also require a respective Subscription Date specified for each user.

The screenshot above illustrates what mapping a Subscription Status would look like for an admin.

Creating a new user

Amending a user

  1. Login to Admin and select Current Users

  2. Select the registration in which you wish to search or leave this blank to search all (if you have more than one). In the Search Term field enter a name or email address, this can be in full or partial. Click SEARCH.

  3. Click Edit to make changes to that user. Ensure you communicate to the user any changes you have made, particularly if a new password is entered otherwise this may prevent them from logging in to an event.

There can only be a single login per user in the system. It will prevent you from creating a duplicate user login.

Assigning a booth admin

Adding a boot admin is simple.

  1. Go to Update Content > Booths - General

  2. Select the stand that you need assign an exhibitor to from the list

  3. In the Booth Admins field, search for an exhibitor using their full email address

  4. Don’t forget to click update

A booth admin cannot view the front-end of the event/platform before the event is live. So instead when they’ve updated their content, at the top they will be able see ‘Go to Booth’ button which will take them straight to their booth to see how their content would look like for an attendee on the day.

Make sure that the exhibitor is already a user in the system and when searching for them in the Booth Admins field make sure you enter their full email address.

Creating new Admin users


We have recently updated the process, and from Thursday, October 22nd 2020 only Admin Controllers can create, upload and manage new Admin Users in the platform. An admin can still create, manage and upload regular users. If you are currently not an Admin Controller please speak to your Event Project Manager or Account Manager at iVent.

We have recently updated the process, and from Thursday, October 22nd 2020 only Admin Controllers can create, upload and manage new Admin Users in the platform. An admin can still create, manage and upload regular users. If you are currently not an Admin Controller please speak to your Event Project Manager or Account Manager at iVent.

As an Admin Controller you now have three options to add more administrators to your site.

  1. Go to Users > Current Users > Search and Edit the user you would like to upgrade to Admin by selecting Yes on Admin Access.

  2. Alternatively, if you are just creating a couple of new administrators you can go to Users > Create a User and select Yes for Admin Access.

  3. If you are uploading administrators in bulk, please go to Users > Upload Users and make sure to tick Make all these users site admins?

Filtering to see Admin users

If you would like to get a quick glance at how many Admin users you have setup on your site, simply go to Users > Current Users and select Admin Users Only to Yes. This will filter the view to only show your current administrators.

Don’t see any options to see or create new admins on your site? You are likely not setup as a Site Controller. Please submit the form to get access.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use another file format other than a .CSV?
A: Our system can only accept .CSV files, if you try uploading using a different format, that file will be rejected.

Q: What if I don’t want to send a ‘Registration Confirmation Email’ to my uploaded users as it can be confusing?
A: A registration confirmation email is disabled by default so it will not be sent unless you untick ‘Prevent registration confirmation email being sent’.

Q: My uploaded users say they haven’t received a password reset email, what do I tell them?

A: Please ask them to check their email SPAM/Junk folders. Password reset emails cannot be resent at a later date so please navigate them to the login page to reset their passwords.

Q: Do I still need to send external comms to my uploaded users?
A: You can if you want to provide anything additional to them, but this new system ensures that they will all receive access to your event and an automatic password link to complete their account.

Q: How many times can I upload my users?
A: As many times as you want, there is no restriction on that.

Q: I have already uploaded users into one registration but I need to upload them into my 2nd registration, what do I do?

A: You would still need to upload your users for the 2nd registration to ensure they can access that event. You would need to tick ‘Prevent password email being sent’ as they would have already created their account by then.

Q: Can I upload my users in bulk or in batches?
A: You can upload 100s or just a few users at a time, again, there is no restriction on that.

Q: What happens if I upload users, and happen to re-upload them again?
A: Our system will not accept a user with the same email address to be re-uploaded and be overwritten. The system will tell you if that user already exists once the upload is complete.

Q: Can I upload users even when my event is live?
A: Yes, you can do that. There is no restriction on how many times or when you upload your users. Keep in mind that it’s a manual process and you leave enough time to communicate users login details.

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