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In a Collab Space you may want to use live-streaming to host your presentation with a more professional look using an A/V team and streaming software. If you have this option enabled on your account, please see the instructions below on how to set it up in your room.

What is live-streaming?

Live-streaming or sometimes also called External Media Streaming is often used by professional A/V teams to stream content from an external source using specialised equipment and software. This is done to achieve a more comprehensive TV look where you can control presenters cameras and the content that is being pushed out for the viewers to see.

How to set it up in a room?

  1. Server URL - the URL you need to paste into streaming software

  2. Client Key - the client key you need to paste into streaming software

  3. 360° Stream - enable 360° stream by marking this option this allows you to stream your live event using 360° cameras

  4. Start Streaming

  5. Close

Live-streaming is setup directly from your room, by clicking on the + sign and choosing Livestreaming. Once you have accessed the Livestreaming menu you will be presented with key details (shown on the image above) that you would need to input into your professional streaming software i.e. OBS. Once your details have been entered you can click Start Streaming and your stream will come directly into the room.

We recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome.

Bandwidth Requirements

The bandwidth used by Collab Spaces will be optimised for the best experience based on the participants’ network. It will automatically adjust for 3G, WiFi or Wired environments.

Recommended bandwidth parameters for streaming

Recommended streaming at 1080p - with bitrate 2.5 mbit/s - 4 mbit/s

Firewall Configuration

For Collab Spaces to work correctly, the following ports need to be open in your firewall:

Not sure if it works? Click here to test your connection and setup.

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